What a festival this is- in a gorgeous NSW town called Belligen - we were very excited to be invited to perform at this revered little festival , in part because we had an opportunity to wear our furs, gloves, winter hats and boots- a good look for The Loveys!! Our schedule was quite busy, beginning at the Bellingen Old Age facility - where we were greeted warmly and loved fully by many wonderful elders- what a privilege it was to perform to them. We dressed up of course and were asked if some of them could join our band- a happy afternoon! Then we had to prepare for an 11 pm show that same evening so it was time for a little rest….. we soldiered on not expecting to see many late night attendees- but there they were- waiting for us gleefully. We decided to include the audience in choosing our set -to keep them warm- an idea that turned into a game of charades- kept us all giggling until the midnight hour… brave souls. Our last two sessions were much more suitable for ‘women of our age’ and away we went at 2.30pm in the park and then at 6pm in a restaurant called No 5…our favourite venue for sure. The audience was packed in, attentive, expressive, interested, giggling, riveted and finally on their feet for a standing ovation. What a joy to perform to audiences like this, it certainly answered that lingering question of “Why are we doing this??” It is truly rewarding when it all comes together like this…we thank the festival organisers, the dedicated sound people we met everywhere, the Bellingen smiles, and especially our house hosts Paul and Catherine who so graciously took care of us..

Archer was M/C at the Bellorana Nursing Home….

Archer was M/C at the Bellorana Nursing Home….

Janet Swain