HOUSE CONCERT: Cocktails by the Sea . November 2019

We had decided it was time for a House Concert since many of our local fans were asking us when we would be performing next. We were really lucky to find a gorgeous venue at Dorset’s house , a truly beautiful setting near Byron Bay, peeking at the ocean from a room huge enough to set ourselves up in and spread our audience out in comfort in front of us.. Dorset was such a gracious host to allow us to invade his precious space on a normally quiet Sunday afternoon… It was the day of our nearest fires behind Mullumbimby, which cast a rather eerie hue over the skies above. Nevertheless, we found that our audience was with us from the moment we started our first set- it is so beautiful to sing to a focussed, listening audience - some of whom had never seen us before. We love it when we see them laugh and cry throughout our sets… This was an afternoon that we loved so much- perhaps we might ask Dorset again …..

About to perform!

About to perform!

Janet Swain